Sony BRAVIA Paint Commercial

This is a Sony TV commercial, it is a combination of fireworks and paint => you can call it a building printer/decorator. It was recorded in Glasgow, Scotland in July 2006.


HP Handheld SP400 All-In-One scanner printer

Hp invented again a wonderfull device. Scanning en printing combined in a handheld device.
It seems it exists in two versions, one with the battery underneed, and one with the battery attached to the arm.

This device will most likely be used in box shifting workflows or in mailing applications, but it seems it can also print on not so evident surfaces, with even water resistant ink.

For the engineers among you, here a glimpse on the inside.

More detailes and specifications -> see HP full information page.

Underneath a demo video of this amazing thing.


HANDJET® EBS 250 portable printer

This is a portable single color hand printer (data send wireless). If you believe half of what the video claims, it is still impressive! What printhead did they use? Trident? Multiple color version available (in development?)? Does it exist with another color than black? Did you see the external encoder in the video?

See movie below for demonstration or go to their youtube video channel for more details.
If you want to buy one, you can try here. (onsite demo's available!)
Anybody an idea of the cost?


Parallax Inkjet robot

These guy's ripped a print engine (printhead + controller) out of a desktop printer and mounted on a simple (parallax controlled) robot. In the video below the robot spits two ink blops on two different walls.

PrintBall paint ball printer

Some students mounted a paintball gun onto a 2D X,Y system and are able to generate some basic images. In the movie below you can see one of their first test shots.

Automatic graffiti printer/robot

Nicely built computer controller airbrush. See movie below to see the robot/printer in action.

Huge 4 color plotter

This is a huge X,Y plotter controlled by a mobile phone.

Download a movie of the thing in action.

Read the full story at digitalexperience.dk

CD tattoo printer

Yamaha's DiscT@2 technology allows the user to burn custom text and graphics onto the data side of a CD-R disc.

Here you can see the technologie in action. [Demo with your own text.]

More about this technology.