PrintBrush™ - digital camera/ink jet printer (pocket size)

A pocket size digital camera with an ink jet printer build in.
After snapping a photo, move the device over paper and the photo gets printed.

Here a demo of the PrintBrush printing a letter-size e-mail.

Here a video of the technology behind the printer.


Food Printers

These days you can decorate your cakes with highly personalized images. Printing on food with edible ink seems to become more and more popular. Below a demonstration of printing on cockies.

There exist even printers optimized for printing on lolly's and chocolate. For more strange food printers => go to youtube.



Nvidia hired the Mythbusters team to show the differences between a CPU and a GPU.

Water Printer (using waves)

This device uses waves to draw text and pictures on the surface of water.
Read more.



The hart of this printer is a paintball gun. It is capable of producing artworks from a distance, even on difficult reachable surfaces.

I really like their UN water point logo.

Read here for more detailed specifications.

Check out these guys homepage to see the printer in action.

Thanks guys for the tip and the photos!

Underfill Tablecloth

When spilling red wine on your tablecloth, a hidden pattern of butterflies comes to live. Makes you want to spill, right? It seems that this is still a concept idea. Read more.


Waterfall Printer

The ink of this printer is falling water.
See it working in the video below.

Here another and another waterfall printer in action.